Sustainability DMC Southern Africa

At Grosvenor Tours DMC South Africa, we believe that tourism should be profitable for all. With this in mind, we are taking action to ensure that the local people in our destinations will benefit from our business.
Protecting Southern Africa’s spectacular natural beauty and diverse wildlife becomes sustainable when it happens hand-in-hand with improving the quality of life of rural communities.
Community and cultural visits and activities offer guests meaningful and life-enriching experiences in Southern and East Africa.
We make it possible for all our clients to gain unique insights into the cultures that make up South Africa. We strive to make authentic connections.
We contribute positively to improving people’s lives as a part of your tailor-made itinerary.
In addition, we provide many opportunities to support worthy, local community initiatives, groups and individuals. We source and recommend an array of high quality, unique gifts produced by local communities and enterprise development projects. We support and recommend a range of exciting entertainment provided by artists from or historically-disadvantaged community groups.
We are very conscious of the environment. We are fully committed to finding ways by which our activities have less impact on the environment. Furthermore in our office: Avoid paper work as much as possible. We use our ICT infrastructure to send invoices and quotes by email as PDFs or wetransfer. We shut our computers and printers down after work or when not in use . We encourage the use of low impact transport for travel to and from work or business travel.
TreadRight Foundation
Our not-for-profit, the TreadRight Foundation, encourages sustainable tourism by ensuring that people, wildlife and the environment remain protected for all generations to come. We believe in preserving the natural attractions and unique heritages of our planet. So far, the TreadRight Foundation has supported over 50 sustainable tourism projects around the world.
Make Travel Matter
In collaboration with our not-for-profit, the TreadRight Foundation, we are making a public commitment to Make Travel Matter for the better. Inspired by leading destinations across the globe, every one of our team members and sister companies worldwide are pledging and we pledge!
The Pledge
I will make my travel matter – for our planet, for people and for wildlife. When I explore this planet, I will do my best to tread right. I will refuse single use plastics when I can and recycle what I cannot avoid. When possible, I will offset my travels. When I meet new people, I will honour their home as I do my own and do so in the spirit of diversity and inclusion. I will purchase locally made items wherever possible and pay a fair price. When I experience wildlife, I will do so in nature. I will not ride animals that ought not be ridden, or support animal cruelty in any way. Together, we will tread right upon the earth – and we will make our travel matter.